Digital marketing dashboard

Defining a dashboard to review the effectiveness of your digital marketing investments is essential if you want to use a data-driven marketing approach based on regular reviews and the test-learn-refine mindset. I define a Digital marketing dashboard as:


“A visual summary of KPIs showing the contribution of digital marketing to an organisation’s goals. It should show month-on-month and year-on-year performance comparisons, and ideally performance against target for business goals“.

The dashboard should include both macro and micro goals in digital marketing and show the steps through the path-to-purchase research, for example across our RACE marketing model.

In this article, I look in more detail at how a digital marketing dashboard should be structured and which KPIs should be included.

About Smart Insights

Dr Dave Chaffey is co-founder and Content Director of digital marketing advice site Smart Insights. We’re a publisher and learning platform that helps our 150,000 active members in over 100 countries plan, manage and optimize their digital marketing activities by applying the actionable advice in our planning templates, guides and interactive e-learning tools.

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