TOFU vs MOFU vs BOFU content

What is the difference between ToFu, MoFu and BoFu content?

In recent years, you hear content marketers talking a lot about ToFu, MoFu and MoFu content. I think these are useful abbreviations since they provide a way of simplifying discussion of content strategy and content mapping when benchmarking the content assets you use against competitors.

It’s particularly relevant to B2B marketing and high involvement/high-value B2C marketing where you need to provide more detailed content in brochures, downloads or interactive tools to explain your proposition to help the consumer select the best provider.

We can relate the goals of these four content types to our RACE planning framework as follows (we have added RoFu which isn’t usually discussed, but consideration of existing customers should be included too):

  • ToFu: Reach – attract visitors and encourage sharing (top of funnel content)
  • MoFu: Act – prompt interaction and leads (middle of funnel)
  • BoFu: Convert – nurture interest leading to conversion to sale (bottom of funnel)
  • RoFu: Engage – retain existing customers through engaging the

The format for benchmarking your content is shown by this content mapping example which I often discuss in B2B workshops. You can use with separate rows for the content type and format you use for each part and separate rows for competitors.

About Smart Insights

Dr Dave Chaffey is co-founder and Content Director of digital marketing advice site Smart Insights. We’re a publisher and learning platform that helps our 150,000 active members in over 100 countries plan, manage and optimize their digital marketing activities by applying the actionable advice in our planning templates, guides and interactive e-learning tools.

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